Entrepreneur’s Club (e-Club) is a virtual incubator for youth entrepreneurs that have either completed Technology Playground’s Entrepreneurship Academy program or any entrepreneurship program that has guided students through the concept of business ownership. The objective of the club is to cultivate and channel the power of the youth to advance themselves, socially, culturally and
academically, as well as, business ideas created as it relates to their ability to develop their self-esteem, self-motivation, leadership capabilities, and character.
The club is a two-tier system: 1) an Educational Intervention which allows mentors to be teamed together with a small cluster of youth to identify the wide variation in student achievement, academic needs, and learning styles. 2) Small Business Mentoring where success of our student participants are those that are exposed to elements that bring the real world directly into the learning and mentoring process.

E-Club members
E-Club members consist of students that participated in Technology Playground’s Summer Entrepreneurship Academy, NFTE school year/summer course, Youth Advisory Board, NxtLevel Program or Junior Achievement. Take the time to meet our current club members. If any student is interested in joining, fill in the registration form and an e-club application will be emailed to you.

Jordan is a graduate of The Fashion Institute of Technology in Menswear Studies. He currently works as an Apparel Designer for Under Armour in Baltimore, Maryland. His business is Original State of Mind, LLC is a creative media agency and the parent company of his fashion brands and freelance/art designs.